Tag Archives: Books

For the Love of YA!



Why do I love YA? For me it’s an escape from reality. You get to live through someone else’s life. Experience things that aren’t even necessarily possible. Learn new things, in a way make new friends, and have fictional crushes.

Growing up I had a lot of doctor’s appointments, doctors telling me I can’t do this and I can’t do that. Reading made it so I could do anything! Reading is something I’ve done for as long as I can remember and something I will continue to do until the day I’m no longer here.  I’ve always had a book or two with me or around so that I could pick it up and continue where I left off. May be why I can read so many books at one time.

Who knows?  I had imaginary friends and always had a large imagination. In a way reading is someone else’s imagination. It’s fascinating to see where other people go in their minds.

YA is an almost never-ending genre. There is something for almost everyone. Contemporary, Romance-ish, Paranormal, Thriller, Exc.

I love many different genre, and authors. Some of my favorite things to read would be paranormal, re-telling’s, mythology based, and books that pull on your heart strings. I love a book that can really make me feel for the character or feel for the situation. So in a way…I guess you would say sad books or books with extremely emotional scenes. I love love love happy endings. I am a girl especially at heart. So I always love a good fairy tale.

YA is something most people cling to. Most everyone wants to stay a kid or prolong their teenage years. Why not do that through reading?

Why do you love YA? Feel free to share in the comments. I’d love to hear your opinions.

Beth Revis is hosting this giveaway. An epic giveaway at that. I love the concept of sharing the Love of YA. I would be interested to see what some people answer. Many wonderful books up for grabs. Congrats to whoever wins!

Christmas Haul!

Christmas Haul!

Hello WordPress! So Christmas is over and it’s officially the new year. I hope you all had wonderful holiday’

I had a really good holiday. I surprisingly got three books for Christmas. Normally I only get B&N gift cards but this year I got the book that I wanted and more. Two beautiful bookmarks, Leviathan, Why does my bird do that, and The invention of Hugo Cabret.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

“Prince Aleksander, would-be heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, is on the run. His own people have turned on him. His title is worthless. All he has is a battletorn war machine and a loyal crew of men.

Deryn Sharp is a commoner, disguised as a boy in the British Air Service. She’s a brilliant airman. But her secret is in constant danger of being discovered.

With World War I brewing, Alek and Deryn’s paths cross in the most unexpected way…taking them on a fantastical, around-the-world adventure that will change both their lives forever.”

The Invention Of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

“Orphan Hugo Cabret lives in a wall. His secret home is etched out in the crevices of a busy Paris train station. Part-time clock keeper, part-time thief, he leads a life of quiet routine until he gets involved with an eccentric, bookish young girl and an angry old man who runs a toy booth in the station. The Invention of Hugo Cabret unfolds its cryptic, magical story in a format that blends elements of picture book, novel, graphic novel, and film. Caldecott Honor-winning author-illustrator Brian Selznick has fashioned an intricate puzzle story that binds the reader like a mesmerist’s spell.”

What did you receive for the holidays?

My Bookish 2012 Challenge!


–  Runs: January 1 2012 – December 31 2012. You can sign up to participate at any time from the moment this is posted until the end of 2012, it’s your set of resolutions, so have fun with it 😀

Challenge: think up your bookish list of resolutions for 2012, it can be anything related to bookish things (including completing other Challenges you’re participating in as long as they’re bookish-related);
Write up your MB2012NYRC post and link it directly in the linky list bellow to sign up for the challenge
Your post must contain the Challenge Button Image (see the button grab code above), your list of resolutions of course, and a link to this SIGN-UP post; so your buddies can join in as well, the more the kinkier merrier right? Also put the button up on your sidebars somewhere with a link to your MB2012NYRC post so others can cheer you on and check your stats and feel inspired by your awesome-tastic progress xDDD
(if you’d like an example of how I do it, check my sidebar for the Challenges widget – it’s somewhere in the middle)
– What can you write up in your resolutions list? Whatever you like that is related to bookish stuff aka reading, writing, book-blogging related stuff, etc. My suggestion is to use this as a master list for your bookish goals of the year, and where a specific challenge is organized by a fellow book blogger addressing one of your goals, sign up for it there and use this list to mention you’d like to fill X challenge. Feel me? xDD
(for instance, I’ve signed up, so far, for The Book Vixen’s 2012 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge, so for my MB2012NYRC list I won’t put up a resolution like “I’ll read more books in 2012 then I did in 2011”, I’ll put up “Complete The Book Vixen’s 2012 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge“, feel me?)- Enter the direct link to your MB2012NYRC post in the linky list bellow, not your blog’s general link but the link of your post; you can also grab the code of the linky and add it to your post, if you’d like, but it’s not necessary

To enter you need to have a blog, webiste, or a profile somewhere that permits you to post and link stuff. You need to have the MB2012NYRC post and the image and links specified, or your link will be probably deleted.
You only need to enter your link once in this Linky list, ok? If you grab the code for it, the list will show all the participants that have entered 🙂

My 2012 Resolutions:

  1. Finish all my challenges.
  2. Read 25 books. (I’m starting college and I’m a slow reader.)
  3. Read 10,000 pages. (To beat 2011’s pg count)

Top 10 Book Covers in 2011

Hello and Welcome to Day two in Looking Back! Today is Top 10 Book Covers in 2011. There are tons of books published this year and ironically the books that I chose with the best covers…I have not read. But most of them I plan to read. I am saying in advance that I tend to be a bit picky when it comes to book covers. I need something either simple or extraordinary for me to remember it. Since I can only choose 10 covers, I’m most likely going to nit pick them and I’m sorry. These are my opinions on what my favorite book covers are for 2011. 
If you are participating and would like me to view your posts please comment and leave a link to your posts or vlogs. Thanks.
 These are in no particular order.
 I think that Little White Lies is simple and gets the point across. Eden is awesome, the eye is so pretty and extraordinary that I remember it more than just a pretty colored eye. Numbers 3 is really cool and I love the colors in it and it’s a nifty way to say what it wants to say and be done. I really like these three.
I’m going to count these three as one, since it’s a series. I think that they are beautiful, and I remember them, even though I haven’t read them. I want to read them. They are simple and I like that the series is connected with covers because it bothers me when one cover is not really relevant to the second. I give two thumbs up to these covers. (Sorry the middle one is slightly a different color I could not find one that was perfectly blue.)

I like Ember because I am a sucker for butterflies and I love that it’s a black and white photo but the butterfly is the main point in the picture. I normally don’t like alot of covers with full bodied people on them but I like that she really fades away towards the bottom and the point of what the book is about is clear. XVI is a neat cover, like the Numbers cover but the numbers cover was more bright and this cover she is alittle dull, but I still like the concept of the cover.

Again Crushed Seraphim is incredibly simple but I love the feather and again with the pretty text. As I wake is again a black and white theme with orange as the highlighted color. I like that the hair turns to smoke at the top and you can see the tension in her shoulders and I just like this cover. Ashes is incredibly creepy and I feel like it is staring into my soul. Haha I like that is somewhat over and around the title.

Thanks for reading and remember all week there will be posts so be sure to check them all out! And comment with your favorite 2011 covers.

Top 10 Books of 2011


Well, again Happy Holidays. I hope everyone has/had a good holiday. But now it’s time for the first day of Looking Back! I don’t know about everyone else, but I am excited about this event. I’m sure tons of books will be talked about/mentioned. It will be alot of fun so you all should stick around. A whole week of posting and talking about bookish things that have been read by bloggers in 2o11.

My Top 10 Books Read in 2011

    1. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    2. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    3. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
    4. Kiss ( Adult) by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy
    5. Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling
    6. Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
    7. Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
    8. Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
    9. Lover Avenged ( Adult ) by J. R. Ward
    10. Graceling by Kristin Cashore

    1-3. The Hunger Games series was amazing. And even though alot of people did not like the ending of the series, I thought it was refreshing and more realistic that there wasn’t the “perfect” and happy ending. I thoroughly enjoyed the series and plan to see all the movies. Katniss and Cinna are my favorite characters in the series and this series is definitely in my top ten for 2011.

    4. My first book my Ted Dekker or Erin Healy. I really enjoyed this one, I have picked up a bunch of other books by Ted Dekker since reading this and I plan to read their other novel, ( Burn ) later in 2012. Keep an eye out for it.

    5. Harry Potter..is there really a need for an explanation for this book? Everyone or almost everyone has read or at least seen the movies. I liked the book alot, it added more detail than the movie. (naturally) and there were quite a few more differences than I expected and I liked that. I will definitely continuing and reading all of them. (Definitely plan to buy the spiffy box set so that they look nice on my bookshelf)

    6-8. The Vampire Academy series, I loved this series. The romance between Rose and Dimitri was intense and there were so many twists in the plot in the end that I just couldn’t put the books down. Definitely one of my favorite YA Vampire series.

    9. In my top three for this series. And for being in my top ten and being number seven in a series is a big deal. I loved the relationships and the characters and things were explained more in this one than the previous one.

    10. Graceling had a great storyline and I wish it could have been executed alittle better but I did enjoy it so it made it into my top ten.

    Be sure to check back tomorrow for Top 10 Book Covers!
    What were your top 10 books of 2011?



        The Book Bunny is now on Youtube.
        I have made a channel for book related video’s, and I plan to add video’s to my blog posts from now on.

        There are so many awesome Booktubers and I’ve seen alot of blogs have Youtube accounts as well, so I thought why not give it a shot.
        You can check out the channel: Here