Tag Archives: Random Magic

Random Magic Vlog Tour!


Video Week: ‘Random Magic’ (Oct. 21-31, 2012) – You are cordially
invited to join us for an entertaining week of cool reviews and
creative features from vloggers around the world. We’re featuring the
book ‘Random Magic,’ by Sasha Soren. Schedule link: here

About ‘Random Magic’: When absent-minded Professor Random misplaces
the main character from Alice in Wonderland, young Henry Witherspoon
must book-jump to fetch Alice before chaos theory kicks in and the
world vanishes.

Along the way he meets Winnie Flapjack, a wit-cracking doodle witch
with nothing to her name but a magic feather and a plan. Such as it

Henry and Winnie brave the Dark Queen, whatwolves, pirates, Strüths,
and fluttersmoths, Priscilla and Charybdis, obnoxiously cheerful
vampires, Baron Samedi, a nine-dimensional cat, and one perpetually
inebriated Muse to rescue Alice and save the world by tea time. View
book trailer: http://tinyurl.com/d6bz9f2 // Print:
http://tinyurl.com/btup87s // Kindle: http://tinyurl.com/cw5u4g7

Currently Reading!


So I haven’t posted in awhile with what I’ve been reading or how I’ve been liking the books. So I thought I would talk about it for a bit today. If you’ve been stalking my goodreads you will know that I am “currently reading” 12 books. I know this is a crazy number but some of the books I have put on hold or hiatus or whatever you would like to call it. And about five of them I am actually “currently reading.”

But I would like to discuss 3 in particular that have really been holding my attention lately. The first is Blink Once, I started this very recently and I like how it’s started. I hadn’t read the synopsis in awhile so I almost started the book blind in a way. Sometimes I like to start a book knowing nothing about it. It can be surprising and I like to be surprised in a book. It’s a totally different experience to read a book when you know next to nothing about it. So far I’m enjoying it and can’t wait to get farther into it.

The second book is Random Magic. And it is that, random and full of magic. I find myself laughing and tilting my head countless times since starting the book. So many different characters and things going on in the book. I also find myself wanting to munch on something. That may be partly due to the fact that food is mentioned every now and then in the book. This book really is quite an adventure.


And lastly for today I would like to mention Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton. I know, I know. Alot of people have given up on the series by now, actually alot of people gave up awhile ago. But I keep getting sucked back into the story and the characters. I normally will read 3 or 4 in the series back to back and then I will take a break and read something else. I think that is why I’m still in it with this series. I love the writing, while some of the books storylines could have been a bit better. I keep coming back to all the magical-ness that is in the Anita Blake series. I can’t help but need to get my Anita Blake fix.